Embrace the practice of Loving Kindness

•September 6, 2009 • 1 Comment

Tools For Peace

Tools For Peace

Sometimes…  One needs to just practice things before they come easily.

Not everyone finds loving or being kind easy…  that’s where practice comes in.

Practice makes things more familiar… easier.

The nice thing is that it will come back to you.

And the even nicer thing is that you’ll have even

more to give to another when you practice again.

We all know that mean people suck!

It’s much more user friendly to

be loving and kind.

Together we really can change the world.

Help peace happen.

•September 4, 2009 • Leave a Comment

The truth is within us… But sometimes we forget to create
a quiet time to hear our soul speak. This is just a reminder
to make the time to listen. It’s a path to peace.

•September 2, 2009 • Leave a Comment
With All Our Hearts

With All Our Hearts

The gradient hearts have different patterns just as ours do.

Yet they are the same.

Together they form the heart shaped peace sign,

symbolizing that together we can achieve World Peace.

This is the still version of this graphic.

To see it animated, please visit my Gallery:



•August 24, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Welcome to Enlighten Up!  I’m Kelly Anne.

I have one goal with this Blog…  To help Keep Peace Visible.

I’m committed to speaking out for peace and my voice is my art.

“A picture says a thousand words,” and I’d like to help make those

words about peace…  Even if the words are just quiet thoughts.

Peace starts with each one of us, but I believe it doesn’t end there.

We’re here to realize that separateness is an illusion.  We are one.

One life force.   Peace will prevail.  It’s a matter of evolution.

Visualize World Peace

Visualize World Peace